Tuesday, June 29, 2010


They sit around a table
reading each other
they look at their cards
a smirk here, a frown there
others just pokerface

You think you have a strong hand
But is it strong enough?
It is all relative
pocket aces can ruin you
Unsuited 2&5 can make your day

A pre flop raise takes place
some1 folds, some1 does a re-raise
Flop,turn,river,heads up
The bleeding warrior comes all in
Matched,bluff caught, go home!

An alarm rings at 5
enough they say
2 more hands, a proposition comes
a few all ins & buy ins later
Poker stays awake


Sharan Saini said...

come up with a "seep" too ! :D

adarshs said...

nice idea actually :)

Dolly said...

Nice.. U helped me recallin my teenage wen i actually played a lot.. nice.. THANKS:)